We are looking for active Rotarians with a passion for vintage and classic cars to form a new and exciting Switzerland Chapter within ACHAFR Fellowship.
If you are interested please contact:
Manuel Dubs
Euelstrasse 54
CH-8408 Winterthur
Tel. P +41 (0)52 223 12 21
Tel. G +41 (0)52 223 12 22
Fax P/G +41 (0)52 223 12 24
Mobile +41 (0)79 420 87 00
Email: manuel.dubs@beltrona.ch
Michael Rye
William Raymond Rotary Club is looking for enthusiastic Rotarians who own classic, vintage cars to form a ACHAFR Chapter.
Please contact:
Jaffery Rindge District
7870 New Hampshire USA